Quick and healthy pasta salad

Pasta salad is a quick and tasty version of salads which can be made healthier by using whole wheat pasta and lots of fresh veggies....so let  us start

Boiled pasta in the quantity desired [a cup of pasta is sufficient for a family of four]
Fresh veggies finely chopped -tomatoes, onions, cucumber
A cup of whisked curd for a cup of pasta[ you may add more as per your taste]
A teaspoon of mayonnaise - this is optional and you may skip it for a healthier salad
Salt as per taste
A pinch of black pepper

Just combine all the ingredients and mix them to make a healthy salad. Refrigerate for half an hour and serve chilled.

Hope you like the recipe and do comment below about how it goes.


  1. Very quick and tasty:) waiting for more:)))


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